God save glam!
After a few years in which the hippie movement influenced fashion and music with its folk, psychedelic and instrumentation, the glam rock arrives with all that "glam-our"!
Marc Bolan of the T. Rex group was considered the father of the movement but big names such as David Bowie, Elton John or Queen were added.
After the Swinging London in the 1960s, Britain was back in the spotlight. It was the 70s, a weird time, a new generation and a new musical trend flourished with a completely new androgynous aesthetic, full of theatricality and with a very provocative attitude.
Appropriating the wardrobe until then considered feminine, this aesthetic responded to a question of image regardless of the sexual orientation of its stars and, although it is possible to think that it could help the LGTBI movement in some way, it still took a while to freely show homosexuality as true orientation and not as simple posture. What is certain is that there was no limit with all that ambiguity, exaggerated makeup, glitter, animal print, alter egos and platforms that made each performance a true spectacle that delighted the public but, to be fair, we must mention the person who really gave the starting point for all this aesthetic and that had a woman's name, Chelita Secunda, wife of T. Rex's manager Tony.
Chelita was a character in herself, very involved in the world of fashion and having worked for Harper's Bazaar magazine and public relations for Ossie Clark, she was immediately in contact with the greatests of the English music scene until she married Tony Secunda, manager of T. Rex. She bought Bolan his first platforms and, according to various sources, painted his glitter in his eyes for the first time.
Chelita was known, among other things, for the vividness of her multicolored makeup palette and her taste for sequins and glitter, an ever-present leitmotif in glam.
And it is that, as much as we love Lennon perhaps he wasn't very right when he said that glam was "Just fucking rock and roll with lipstick in" because the movement discovered people with literally extraordinary qualities such as the voice of Freddie Mercury, the genius of Bowie, who inspired his image in the New York transvestites that surrounded Andy Warhol, or the virtuosity of Elton John but also saw confrontations of enormous egos between the starrs and friendships that would go beyond death. God save the glam!